And by General, I mean Awesome.
And by Conference, I mean even Awesomer.
Each April and October, members of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from all over the world stop in our tracks for a very special weekend of uplifting messages from our church leaders. You see, we believe that the heavens are indeed open; that there is a prophet on the Earth today, just as in the days of Noah or Moses. That man today, October 3rd, 2010, is
President Thomas S. Monson.
I shook his hand once, President Monson. It was a little while before he became the President of the church back in February of 2008. It was when the family took a trip out to Salt Lake City, Utah back in 1998, I believe it was. We were in the main church office building, touring around like star-struck North Carolinians, and standing at an elevator, when out he walked. At the time, he was the First Counselor in the First Presidency, and was most certainly the greatest Mormon "celebrity" that I'd ever gotten that close to. Maybe if anyone in my family digs up a picture from that day, they'll post it. Ahem, Pa. :)
So this weekend, we listen to a Prophet's voice. We sustain him as the one person on the earth who is literally the mouthpiece of God. We ponder on the things that we need to do to be a more successful family unit.
We follow his charge to be better children of God. We grow in love for our fellow man. We declare, through our works, that we believe. We sing hymns that direct our hearts to our Savior, Jesus Christ. We join with over 13 million from all over the world who also love this gospel.
I am thankful to live in a land that is free to worship how I see fit, and in a time that allows me to do so. I am thankful for the Mormon Pioneers who paved a way for me. I am thankful for my Mormon heritage; that my great-grandmother Bertha invited the missionaries into her home, where she was immediately healed of her infirmities, through faith in their
priesthood. I am enormously thankful for parents who raised our family, holding tight to gospel principles, and never waivering in their willingness to serve in the Lord's kingdom upon the earth. I am thankful for temples that dot the earth, especially for one in the
Raleigh area. In that temple, I married my sweetheart for all eternity. I believe with everything I am, that we are entitled to such a blessing, if we but live in a manner to be worthy of His reward - Eternal Families. I'll do my part - and I know that Heavenly Father will look out for me in all I do. I ask for His blessings to be over my family each and every day - that we will be protected from the storms of life, and that I will continue to walk faithfully in His footsteps.
Mama, Pa, Mike & Shiann @ General Conference 10/2/2010 |
In October, 2009, I heard a conference address that I don't think I'll ever forget. If you'd like to give it a listen, or a read, you can click
here. The speaker was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder David A. Bednar. In this talk, "More Diligent and Concerned at Home," I felt inspired to be a better wife and mother. I still read it on occasion when I need a little more "power" on that front. Fortunately, there are another thousand and one talks that I can study to help me when the cares of life seem too heavy of a load. Today, I know that I will be edified as a daughter of God. I am so very, very thankful. You have no idea...