I have had a busy week or so. Maybe two weeks. Maybe more. I can't keep things straight when it has ANYTHING to do with time lines and such. Anniversaries... Birthdays...Playdates... I try, but usually to no avail. Don't even get me started on History class. Somebody tell me where I'm going with this, cause I do not know.

Oh yeah, I'm answering a tag. Yeah, that's it!
*10 years ago...
I was a Senior in High School. Rodney & I had been dating for about 6 months. I had just barely decided that I was going to be a Pirate! AARGH! I was up to my eyeballs in the Spring Drama Production, "My Fair Lady," working on memorizing my lines and practicing my soprano parts. I loved this part of my High School career more than just about anything, but dreaded singing the last two notes of "I could have danced all night." Daddy was my Seminary Teacher... The course of study that year was The Book of Mormon. I am pleased to report that I still remember a handful of the mastery scriptures, and with a little bit of work, could probably regain confidence in reciting each and every one. Talk about a goal!
*5 things on my to-do list today
Well, it's hard to say because I'm down at the island right now, and things are not so "to-do-ish" right now. LOL! How about I tell you my to-do list for tonight between the hours of 11:00pm and 7:00am. It goes a little something like this...
~Try not to WANT to kill Jackson when he comes in our room crying for it to be morning
~Sleep a little
~Try not to WANT to kill Jackson when he comes in again, crying for it to be morning again
~Sleep a little
*Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire
~Travel with a nanny, oh Margaret Marie?
~Build a dream vacation house in Italy, Brazil and Thailand
~Share a wee little bit my my loved ones (j/k y'all know I'd 1/2 it with ya!)
~Erect a birthing center on the eastern end of Carteret County, equipped with the finest and most up-to-date technologies centered around making a pregnant woman comfortable. Is that really too much to ask? That's for you, Aly.
*3 Bad Habits
~Over analyzing
~Lazy about cooking like a SAHM should
~Too much TV
*Places I have lived
~Harkers Island, NC
~Greenville, NC
~Raleigh, NC
~Rolesville, NC
*Things most people don't know about me
~I had a bad trampoline accident when I was about 7ish. Lotsa stitches. On my face. Enough Said.
~I treasure the day I got to ride Kenny Wayne and Wanda's horses with my family - I think I was about 10.
~I am pretty afraid of the ocean, even only 20 yards out from the shore, I get pretty nervous.
~I'll never forgive myself for acting like a spoiled rotten little t-u-r-d one birthday when daddy bought me white rollerskates, instead of pink.
~I love Celine Dion, and would DIE to see her in concert one day.
~I take pride in fastening diaper stickers in a perfectly mirrored image.
~I wear my watch on my right wrist.
~I have a 1/2 broken big toenail right now b/c of a little accident earlier today. The equation involved Maggie (boxer), rain, flip flops, and stoney outdoor steps, covered in the aforementioned rain.
*Jobs I have had
Babysitting at least 50 x before I was 14,
then Lucky Duck's,
then Sanitary,
then Sea Side,
then babysitting at the Suttons' in college,
then NCFB District Claims Office
then the cherry on top, (but low paying), SAHM
I told you I'd blog today, Wendi!!!! :)

I am so proud of you Leah! I am very concerned about my name followed by that ginormous pig face. Am I to take that personally? Was there some underlying tone that I missed?
I had forgotten about this tag. I thought you were going to do the purse meme. No worries.
I enjoyed reading more about you and the inner workings of Leah. I am sure if your Dad reads this... he will hold you to the scripture mastery. You better start working on that-quick.
Don't hurt poor Jackson tonight. It will get better. My kids do not sleep through the night until they are 5. ( Cole will be 4 this month!) Yay me!!!
Scared of the ocean? Really and you are from the coast? You must be fun to tube and jet ski with.
"I take pride in fastening diaper stickers in a perfectly mirrored image."- you are my kind of girl!
LOL! No the pig had nothing to do with you!!!!!
I looked for a cheesy grin on google images, and that one was so cute I couldn't resist!!!
Jackson is actually a very good sleeper. Even when we come down here he is - but last night. WHAT THE?! At least my attempt to put the fear of God in him (about bothering the other sleepers in this house during the night) just MIGHT do the trick.
I am pleased to report that EVERYONE slept great. There IS a God!
Oh' Me Leah! We now have two more things in common...I am terrified of the ocean! I mean can't even go out unless I am on someone's back:) and I too take pride in perfectly, matched diaper stickers!haha Glad Im not the only one who thinks this matters so much;-)lol
You know that Celine is coming to Raleigh next January. You have to go. She will be so close!!! Good to see you Saturday!
We were on vacation for a week and it was so great to come home and see some updates for your sweet little family!! Exactly what's the subject of this particular tag?? Oh by the way Celine Dion has come here to Seoul-care for an $1100 plane ticket to see her!!?? :)
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