Matt blogs, of course. I too, blog. Well, one day a couple months ago, my reader decided that I should be introduced to Matt. In cyberspace, of course. I do love to check his site, and see what's new. I should also mention that Matt takes some of the most interesting photographs I've ever seen. Makes me wanna come see the LA in all its glory one of these days.
Matt recently challenged his followers to guess baby Madeline's 4-month stats for her pending checkup. Don't be surprised when you click here and find that someone by the name of "Leah," along with one other lucky lady guessed CORRECTLY! You are probably wondering how many contestants I was up against - oh, just FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE! Matt had informed us that the prize would be either a cd or a book.
So, after a little exchange over email (during which I informed him that I don't read), the promised gift was picked (by Matt), and I was sick with anticipation of what it might be!!! LOL!
The package arrived!
It is a fabulous CD entitled "Ghosts of the Great Highway," by Sun Kil Moon.

I must say, on my roadtrip over the weekend, I do believe I listened to this album for at least 2 hours. About an hour and a half of that was replaying the tracks, "Glenn Tipton" & "Carry Me Ohio". He also sings a haunting "Somewhere" from West Side Story. It is quite different from the Barbara Streisand version that I'm so used to, but no less loverly. I listened to that one over and over again, too.
Here is a youtube of Carry Me Ohio, if anyone would like to listen.
Thank you, Matt! I'm glad I found your blog, glad that you issued the challenge, and glad most of all that I won!!! :) Madeline is a lucky little girl to be able to claim you as her daddy. Speaking of Luck,

That was especially for Matt. :)
...Cheesy I know - it's the Celine-lover in me. What can I say. :)
ok, so leah, ia am so happy and sad at the same time. i am so glad you posted about matt...and that i will now also be able to follow his story (aka blog stalk....i'm great at it!), but i'm so sad for his loss! wow--i can't imagine!
(kudos to you for the correct guess!)
hope you and your family are all doing well!
I still think it's pretty amazing that you guessed the right answer. And how about that new CD--that's great. I've heard of Sun Kil Moon before, my brother loves them!
I have become so interested with Matt's site! Thanks Leah for sharing it...oh and congrats on winning!
What an incredible story.
So tragic.
And inspiring.
Thanks for sharing his link with us.
I did not need any more GOOD blogs to read...but this is a keeper.
Congratulations on your win!
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