Here's the short and sweet of today...
Jackson woke up sad. Said he didn't like his present. What tha?! Didn't get pictures of that - had too much consoling to do to take pictures. Granny Carol is in town to be the dreamy extra set of hands and extra big heart to take care of little people and big people alike. The boys are really enjoying her chasing them around, and distributing a million tickles and kisses a day. :) Here's little man being a silly monkey this morning before school - notice the new fall shirt (Rock and Roll!) and cute jeans from Granny Carol!
And pointing to his favorite decorated letter on his birthday sign, courtesy of the mama and the daddy. :)
So, after school was let out early today (12:30), we waited for Rodney to get home (2:30), and off we went to return the terrible present and redeem a new one. See the newly acquired Jedi suit at the end of the post... It suits him well, you think? :) (*And how about Brady, the zoomin Bumblebee?! God bless his sweet heart.) Another sweet find at Target this evening was the FIRST pair of roller skates owned by a little Steelboy. I had been thinking (*strongly*) over the past few days how much I would love Jackson to have some, as I clearly remember being about his age, and spending hours each day on mine. Well, as luck would have it, Pa called this afternoon to say he was putting a little check in the mail to grant Jackson any birthday thing he would like, and Jackson agreed tonight that he just HAD to have a pair of skates. I can't wait to see these bad boys in action, accessorized with the best knee pads and elbow pads Target had to offer. Oh, did I mention there was only one pair in the entire store - and yes, they were his size! SCORE!
So we shopped at Target for a bit - And then were off for the dream birthday dinner of nearly every 5 year old in America - CHUCK-E-CHEESE BABY!!! We actually had the most decently behaved children possible. They were so entertained by the show of larger than life animal dudes on the stage, and the blaring tv with bright colors and songs that they hardly knew it took 10-15 minutes for our pizza to arrive after being seated. We chowed down, thoroughly enjoyed the food, then were bound for the promised land o' arcade games! Does it get any better?! As if the push pops weren't enough of a sugar treat in the car, on the way home, we decided to swing thru the trusty McDonald's drivethru a mile from home to get everyone caramel or hot fudge sundaes. I picked the hot fudge. With chopped peanuts. Jackson said to daddy in the back seat, as he was choosing the caramel flavor, "She has no idea what she is missing, does she?"
In case you guys don't get to spend much time with the eldest of my three cuties - I have one thing to say. You have no idea what you are missing. :)
Happy Birthday, my sweetie! Mommy loves you more than breath.
Brady transformed into the vehicle form of Bumblebee: For some reason, I can NOT get this picture to show up with the correct rotation. Dude!
And Carter just looking Cute!
And you wonder why I'm always smiling?!
G'night y'all!
Happy Birthday Jackson! What a great post Leah. You really know how to treat a little guy for his big day--kudos to you! Can't wait for the b-day bash!
Five years!! Holy cow how time flies!! Your boys are adorable by the way!
Ooooh, I love those boys! Digging Brady's Spidey undies under the Bumblebee costume too! I owe you a call - will call you tomorrow! Happy Birthday to Jackson!!!
Looks like a fabulous day for a fabulous little boy! Give him (and the others) hugs and kisses from all of the Morrises.
I said it once but I'll say it again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON! Looks like it was a fabulous time had by all. Miss you guys!
Man time flies, I remember when little Jackson was born! Happy Birthday to Jackson!! I was glad to see the Jedi suit b/c Luke has been asking to be Luke Skywalker for Halloween. Did they have those at Target?
Too cute!! I would love to meet all of your boys, especially that Jackson...he says the funniest things from the sounds of it. Happy birthday Jackson
I'd have a perma-smile if I were you, too! I love that last picture of Carter. I bet that handsome face gets lots of attention. Your boys are all so cute. I think I would like to celebrate my next birthday at Chuck E. Cheese, too.
Leah, I love the stories you share about your boys! They are just so cute and say the funniest and sweetest things. It warms a mom's heart!
Oh, I love it!! Happy Birthday, Jackson!! Sounds like he had a superb day!! Your boys really are loads of fun, and I love little Carter's big blue eyes. I had to catch up on all your posts lately, wow, almost to 100 posts? You go, girl!!
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