But, there is one thing cooler than "AUTUMN TIME!"
It's Harkers Island during "AUTUMN TIME!" Since I first went away to ECU in the fall of '98 I realized how much I miss "home" during this particular season. As luck would have it, autumn was being ushered in while Jackson had a little track out from Kindergarten. So, the three amigos and I hit the road, and headed down there a while back (I know this should have been posted closer to the end of October, but I say "better late than never" with no hesitations).
I have to share some of my favorite snapshots from the little adventure.
These first couple are of the birds. (Zoom in and look in the right half...) In Ma and Pa's backyard. We watched and watched while they chirped and sang and pecked and chirped. :)
Carter realized this past trip down that he loves bats!
And birds too!
Aly let me tag along and observe one of her little shoots! This link takes you to pics from that particular shoot, even! :) Thanks so much Aly!
Carter playing football
Just like the rest of 'dem BOYS!
Carter in his jammies. I'll go ahead and use "God bless" on him one more time tonight. Seems fitting...
Whoever said that mosquitoes don't attack at the end of October hadn't been to Harkers Island! Zoom in for closeups of the neck and forehead!
Birds of a feather...
And enjoying a feast at the Homestead. What could be better? :)
Oh, and lastly, before I forget,
Just for grins and giggles - do go back up to the football pictures, and pay attention to how often Jake (Red shirt) and Zac (Red shorts) seem to go at it! LOL! They'd pass for brothers, if the tendency to tackle the snot out of the other has anything to do with it!
I can't imagine what your parents' house is like when all of you get together! I know they probably love it to pieces, but I suspect it is something close to madness!! ;) Love the pictures! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
My goodness look at all them handsome fellas!! Great pics! Eric and I rode to H.I. the other day on his motorcyle, neither of us have been in quite some time. Not much has changed although its the first time I've driven past the Hancocks house now that its all finished! Looks AMAZING! I also noticed that their grass is just about the only one that's still GREEN! :) :) The boys and their grass! I always remember Mike and Joel and cutting it like the baseball fields! Have a great Thanksgiving!
i'm so glad you are back!
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