Friday, April 8, 2011

I did not know that.

So. I've been on this Earth for all of 11,278 days.
I'm married to a man who has been around for 11,849 days.
I've been learning as a mom for 2,752 days (not including the approximate 250 days in utero).
My mom and dad together have seen the sun rise and fall 42,525 times.

All in all, days and days and years and years of experience give us much... but far from **ALL** the information that could contribute to a perfectly well lived, well loved life. Naturally, there are those times of learning when you say to yourself, "How did I make it this long without knowing THAT!?!?!"

Today friends, it happened. I found something that I didn't even know I had been missing. And when I googled it, amazon showed me that it comes in a 24-pack case. Oh amazon. Why must you be so... so... perfect?!

Tally your birth date (or any ol' date) here. It's fun stuff!

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