Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Update on our sweet li'l life

Please forgive. Updating the blog is not my forte, but I'll be trying harder from now on to update regularly. I love reading others' daily/weekly/even monthly updates, so I need to do this myself too!

I don't know where to start - I guess it's easiest to start with updates on the guys. Rodney is cleaning the kitchen right now. As he should be. Kidding! I told him I HAD to update my blog tonight, and he's doing what he usually does after the kids go to bed - help me with the housework that didn't seem to get done during the day. What's more, the dishes he's unloading from the dishwasher have been clean for 2 days, thus the collection of dirty dishes by the sink have been there at least that long, so he's got his hands full for at least 30 minutes. He came to ask me why the floor was in such terrible shape. Well, it's frankly because I decided that the bubbles that I was blowing on the back porch for Brady earlier today were being carried away too briskly by the breeze, so I decided that the kitchen was the prime spot for "no breeze." Bubbles and Brady's dirty shoes dancing around to catch the bubbles are the simple culprit. Such is life. ;) Oh, back to Rodney - You should see how closely he's following the election this year! He's quite peeved tonight (Super Tuesday) that the first state (WV) to report it's results has Huckabee as the winner by 4% over Romney. He came close to making phone calls for Romney last evening, but decided that it was a better idea to play guitar hero - which I love! He's so good at it, and Slash will soon bow down to him, after he completes every single track on the EXPERT level! Yeah, that's right! He's so cute! (His playlist on his blog is all of his favorite Guitar Hero songs!)

Jackson is doing great these days. He wears the "biggest brother" hat so well. He is my helper nearly all day, for just about everything I ask of him. He may be such a sweetie knowing that I'm likely to reward him with sweets or gifts (hiding behind a tall something am I), but nah, he really is just a good boy. He has this momma wrapped around his finger, and he's quite sly, when needs be. He can defend himself better than Bill Clinton, and time-outs hurt his heart. Every neighbor knows when he's done something bad. ;) Tonight we dined outside at "Los Tres Majuyes" and when he tripped and fell down over his own chair, you could have heard the cries in Beaufort! Lungs! My Gosh, the Lungs! I digress. Jackson's favorite shows are Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes, Transformers, and still the occasional Hi-5. I'm not too proud of it, but he could watch t.v. all.... day.... long! When not watching t.v., of course his favorite thing to do is "crafts!" The messier and the more thought out, the better. I dream in crafts. I bet he does too. Gosh, I love my big boy!

Brady is being quite the super-big-brother these days, too. He hesistates each time I ask him to go retrieve a diaper or toy or bottle off the counter, but on my 3rd or 4th attempt, changing the tone of my voice will usually get him to agree. I think he lives for the rise that he gets out of me the first couple times of saying "No - I want Jackson 'do it!" Just this afternoon, we were going for a walk in our neighborhood, and has he started veering off of the clear course of the sidewalk, into a neighbor's yard, I said to him (and Jackson too), "Stay on the sidewalk, please." BUT, what he heard was "Hey Brady - PLEASE go walk on the neighbor's grass. The farther, the better!" I swear! Ok, his favorites - He LOVES Pops Cereal. He loves Cars (TM) cars. He loves his blanket and Pablo, still. :) He loves bathtime. He loves to squeal with excitement while I blow up green balloons. He loves dinosaurs and stickers - the best are stickers of dinosaurs - or stickers of Cars - like Mater or McQueen... or Sally. He loves her. ;) He LOVES - I REPEAT - LOVES to say these two words in any given sentence... Get ready, this is good - "BOOTY!" and "POOTY!" If I had a dime for every time (in the last month or so) I have said to him, "Please don't say that word, That's ugly talk," I'd be a rich momma. The best is when he does it in public, like with the senior doctor at our pediatrician's office - Dr. Jeffers. I'm sure he's heard it all and seen it all, but for goodness sakes! Let me think of some examples - If I say, "Let's get ready for bed boys," his reply is "let's shake our booty!" or "Can you kick me the soccer ball?" his reply is "i kick you the pooty ball!" or "Say cheese!" his reply is obviously, "BOOTY CHEESE!" The best example of all was from about a week ago. We were upstairs in the playroom, where I was writing some easy words for Jackson on the dry erase board - all three letters, all rhyming - like C-A-T and H-A-T and B-A-T, and as I was reviewing them with Jackson, I spoke in a very teacher tone, annunciating each letter's sound. Brady then walked up to me, and pointed to a clean spot on the board and said to me, "Write this mommy..." and then continued in the same clear way of talking "BOOOOO-tee." Jackson, Brady and I all laughed hysterically for a good 10 minutes. It was a great moment. Wish you all could have been there. :)

I'll give Carter his own thread. Next week. ;)

Here are a few recent (From December 'till now!) pics of my little dearies - in a onetruemedia video! What else? :)


Susan Hancock said...

It's a fabulous update my little mama! I love your descriptions of Jackson and Brady- and wait with baited breath for Carter's. The picture collage is just beautiful, and it really captures the sweetness of your family. Funny that many times we take for granted just how blessed and special our families are. You make so happy! Honest. Just super happy!

Love you all.

Aly said...

I love it, Le. I have to admit, I didn't read it all because it makes me nauseous to stare at the screen for that long, but I'm gonna read it in shifts! You're a better writer than me! It's all I can do to think up 5 sentences! I love you. Aly

Joel said...

Talk about an epistle...

Paul couldn't have written it any better though;)

The Robinson Family said...

I am thrilled to hear that my boy is not the only one that loves to say "booty". I laughed at your blog when you talked about Brady because I have experienced a very similar ordeal. Also, I cannot believe how much little Carter favors you. His eyes are breathtaking. Thanks so much for the update!

nelsonjeneen said...

Thanks for the updates!! We had such a good time on Sunday night. Sorry I wasn't feeling all that good for the big Super Bowl Party.

Lauren said...

Wonderful update! Love the pictures. Aly's comment is pretty funny...bless heart! It was quite an epistle but hey you had alot to catch us up on! love it :-)

Rachel said...

Thanks so much for dropping in on my blog! It's great to see pictures and hear what the kids are up to. We miss you so much! Rachel

Joel said...

Can I add a "that's what she said!" to this?...

Read closely and you'll figure it out.