I'm from the south. And extremely proud of it. (Insert whatever redneck smiley you can think of here. I don't care.)
Since when is North Carolina SUPPPOSED to be hugely prepared for a snowy January? Since when is it CRAZY for our public school systems to call off school a whole day in advance - even when the snow has not yet fallen? Since when did people from all over the northern and particularly colder regions of this great land decide that making a mockery of the place where they choose to live is cool? Responses to the missed school days and missed time at work and even lack of milk in the grocery stores like "This is CRAZY!" or "HILARIOUS!" have me really peeved. THIS IS THE SOUTH!
All done. :)
(*Note - this is not directed at any particular individual - I've heard these comments so much in the last week that I can't even keep up with the offenders anymore.)
Oh, and now that I am done - I'll share some of my favorite pictures (Already posted on FB, but wanted to post them here, more for my posterity - who will remember in this post that sometimes, Leah didn't know how to keep her mouth shut.)

Leah, these are great pics!
I do understand. People up here cannont believe that I don't know how to drive in the snow. Well, what the heck, I lived on an island all my life! I can't believe they don't know how to drive in a hurricane!!
I hear you. It's different if we had plows or snow tires or anything like that. We came from colder climes but I wouldn't have dared brave the roads on Tuesday. Besides, snow days are so much fun! I love your pictures. We didn't leave the house until it stopped snowing and the sun came out so we don't have any good storm pictures.
So wait a minute here...
We live in a place that's warm most of the year and where we can take off school and work when it snows a few inches and WE'RE the strange ones?
I suppose they think the "civilized" thing to do is move to a state that sucks; where life is supposed to be miserable, dangerous, and cold.
There's no reason to cancel school or work in those states because crappy weather is built into the cost of admission...
Mama always said not to trust a skinny cook.
I think the apropro phrase here is "why entertain a complaining northerner that has displaced to the south?" Crazy people.
I loved the snow cream photo, I didn't make any this time:(
AMEN!!! Love the pics!
I love the pics Leah! Your boys are adorable, and looked like they had a blast!!
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