Poor Carter. He looks like such an un-loved, pitiful, messy child sitting there in his Pop's old-timey rockin' chair, holding a guitar, and wearing who-knows-what! So yeah, this picture makes me laugh. And what's even better is - not only was he posed like this on this particular day, but he LOVES to grab the guitar and go sit like this almost every day... while he watches TV, of course. His favorites right now are The Backyardigans, Hi-5, and most recently, any cartoon with a superhero theme. He calls them all "Bat-Mat!"

What a sad world this would be (in Brady's eyes) if there were no outdoor creatures. On this particular day, about two weeks ago, he managed to catch at least one frog, at least one lizard, and who knows how many other roley-poleys, and other creepy crawly thingys. If he could, he would not only carry them in his pocket 24/7, but I also heard him tell Jackson yesterday that he had kissed a frog. Maybe he wants to marry it. When I asked him why he did such a thing, his reply was the obvious, "because I wuved it." His eyes said "duh" to me.

This picture tells me how Jackson is such a big boy. Doesn't he look old? Down to his picked/bitten fingernails, I know and love every inch of him in a way that only a mommy understands. We were at Rodney's annual work carnival down at the fair grounds, and had taken a quick break from all the outdoor fun to chow down on some catered fried chicken, barbecued ribs, hush puppies, slaw, and baked beans. Not to mention some of the best lemonade I've ever had! Back to Jackson - He lost his second tooth today - 5/27/09 - and get this - it was WHILE he was at school - and EVEN BETTER - it was while he was eating lunch!!! As he shared this great news with me before he even got buckled into his seat, he shared how cool it was that not only his whole class was there, but also A TON more kids. The tooth came home in a cute little tooth-shaped carrying case, and all three boys have been fighting over it non stop since we got home. Ah. Life is good.

On May 19th, Brady's preschool class had designated snack time to celebrating Brady's birthday (since it was coming up in a few days, and we were just one day away from being all done with preschool for the summer). I came with Carter to celebrate - we had sugar cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, and goldfish. You can give me my pat on the back later, saith the mom who got it all at the grocery store just hours earlier. Just before the festivities began, Carter got to enjoy playtime outside with Brady's class. Look how he was obeying the rules of Brady's teacher! Later, inside, he also sat still for prayer time (over the snack food), and held his hand out just like the others when the teacher passed out squirts of hand sanitizer. SO freakin' cute!

Lastly, I wanna give a shout out to my good friends, Lindsay and Erin - for helping to make my birthday so special. On Friday, they came by with a plate full of my favorite sweet treat in the whole wide world (chocolate crinkle cookies) , a beautiful pair of dangley earrings, a delicious smelling candle, and a sweet card. :) Thanks so much girls! I look like ... you know ... in this picture, but I can attest that I did have a shower that morning, and was still miles away from putting my face on. That just doesn't usually happen before 6:00 pm - and only on days that we leave the house for something other than school and preschool.

The. End.
For. Now.
Each picture is truly its own story! I loved them all~ Carter is just adorable in his mis-matched clothes with his little guitar! I remember well another little person who loved to dress herself...
Brady and his love for all things natural!! Bugs are his best friends I think. He's so wonderful.
Jackson- 5 going on 15! He's a planner- always got something he's looking forward to do or places to go!!
Girlfriends- they are just the best!! I am so thankful for good friends for my little girl who is the farthest from home!!
Love you Lee!!
Lovely photos, and I loved reading Brady's birthday account. So sweet. :)
There is a shout-out/award for you on my blog :)
Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil e nossa luta contra o comunismo. Abração
i know you are busy and all, but really i miss you and your blog! can you please start posting again
and please start commenting again!
it makes me a little sad that you are pretending to be busy by being a mommy and working with your photography busniess! you have to know that blogging is way more important than those things! right?!?!
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